
viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

Programación dinàmica : métodos cuantitativos para la toma de decisiones II


Fonollosa Guardiet, Juan Bautista; Sallán Leyes, José María; Fernández Alarcón, Vicenç; Suñé Torrents, Albert (2016). Programación dinàmica : métodos cuantitativos para la toma de decisiones II. Iniciativa Digital Politècnica.


Esta obra forma parte de la colección Métodos Cuantitativos para la Toma de Decisiones, que, en su conjunto, permite resolver una amplia variedad de problemas. Cada volumen de esta colección desarrolla la técnica específica para tratar un tipo concreto de modelos. Este volumen pretende introducir al lector en el uso de la programación dinámica, una técnica matemática creada para analizar el comportamiento de sistemas que evolucionan a lo largo del tiempo. La programación dinámica facilita la toma de decisiones estableciendo la política óptima en cada estado (actual o futuro) del sistema. Los contenidos de esta obra presentan la programación dinámica de forma didáctica y con una clara orientación práctica, con múltiples ejercicios y ejemplos ilustrativos. Estos contenidos son especialmente indicados para estudiantes de grado o máster de ingeniería industrial o de organización. Este volumen está relacionado con los volúmenes dedicados a la teoría de colas y a las cadenas de Markov de esta misma colección, puesto que todos ellos constituyen casos particulares del modelo general de procesos polietápicos.


Disponible en https://upcommons.upc.edu/handle/2117/89915

Programación lineal : métodos cuantitativos para la toma de decisiones


Suñe Torrents, Albert; Fonollosa Guardiet, Juan Bautista; Fernández Alarcón, Vicenç; Sallán Leyes, José M. (2016). Programación lineal : métodos cuantitativos para la toma de decisiones. Iniciativa Digital Politècnica.


Esta obra es el primer volumen de una colección en que se presentan las técnicas y las aplicaciones de los métodos cuantitativos para la toma de decisiones. Cada volumen desarrolla un método específico para resolver una tipología de problemas. Este volumen pretende introducir al lector en el uso de la programación lineal para resolver problemas de gestión de recursos escasos. Se dedica especialmente a la resolución de problemas propios de las empresas industriales y de servicios. Su propósito principal es capacitar al lector para elaborar modelos de programación lineal, así como utilizar herramientas informáticas para la resolución y la explotación de estos modelos. Los contenidos del volumen introducen la técnica de la programación lineal de forma didáctica y con una orientación práctica con vistas a su aplicación profesional. Son especialmente indicados para estudiantes de grado o máster de ingeniería industrial o de organización.


Disponible en https://upcommons.upc.edu/handle/2117/89074

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016

Cascading failures with local load redistribution in interdependent Watts–Strogatz networks


Hong, Chen; Zhang, Jun; Du, Wen-Bo, Sallan, Jose M; Lordan, O (2016). Cascading failures with local load redistribution in interdependent Watts–Strogatz networks. International Journal of Modern Physics C. 27(11), 1650131.

doi:  http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S012918311650131X


Cascading failures of loads in isolated networks have been studied extensively over the last decade. Since 2010, such research has extended to interdependent networks. In this paper, we study cascading failures with local load redistribution in interdependent Watts–Strogatz (WS) networks. The effects of rewiring probability and coupling strength on the resilience of interdependent WS networks have been extensively investigated. It has been found that, for small values of the tolerance parameter, interdependent networks are more vulnerable as rewiring probability increases. For larger values of the tolerance parameter, the robustness of interdependent networks firstly decreases and then increases as rewiring probability increases. Coupling strength has a different impact on robustness. For low values of coupling strength, the resilience of interdependent networks decreases with the increment of the coupling strength until it reaches a certain threshold value. For values of coupling strength above this threshold, the opposite effect is observed. Our results are helpful to understand and design resilient interdependent networks.

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Forecasting of taxi times: The case of Barcelona-El Prat airport


Lordan, Oriol; Sallan, Jose M; Valenzuela-Arroyo, Marta (2016). Forecasting of taxi times: The case of Barcelona-El Prat airport. Journal of Air Transport Management. 56(B), 118-122.

doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2016.04.015


One of the challenges that air transport management is facing is to develop predictive tools for ground operations of aircraft, in particular of estimation of taxi times. The aim of this paper is to define a forecasting model for taxi times for a specific airport: Barcelona-El Prat. This model uses log-linear regression analysis to estimate taxi times with variables that can be computed before operation to account for route- and interaction-specific factors influencing taxi time. The resulting model has a strong predictive validity, but requires a sample size covering an extensive time of airport operations. The model results show that route-specific factors are useful to estimate taxi times, and the combination of stand and rapid exit variables (for landings) and runway (for take offs) accounts for a great part of the variability of taxi times.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

Change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior: Analysis of antecedents centered on regulatory theory focus at the workplace


Simo, Pep; Sallan, Jose M; Fernandez, Vicenc; Enache, Mihaela (2016). Change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior: Analysis of antecedents centered on regulatory theory focus at the workplace. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 24(2), 261-273.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJOA-10-2014-0805


Purpose – The aim of this research is to empirically examine the relationships between the regulatory focus in the workplace and discretionary (change-oriented OCB) and non-discretionary (intentions related to performance at work) work outcomes, in an academic work setting.

Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected using a questionnaire conducted with 251 Spanish academic workers. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.

Findings – Results reveal the existence of positive relationships between promotion focus and two of the outcomes: change-oriented OCB and research-oriented performance-enhancement intention. On the other hand, prevention focus had only a significant relationship with teacher-oriented performance-enhancement intention.

Research limitations/implications – The limitations of this research are twofold: on the one hand, further research should overcome the methodological limitations related with data gathering, looking for third-party measures of performance and favoring longitudinal data collection designs. On the other hand, more research is needed on the malleability of regulatory focus, defining models in which prevention and promotion focus act as mediating variables.

Practical implications – Individuals with high levels of promotion focus will put their efforts on the tasks which are more valued in the processes of tenure, promotion and compensation. On the other hand, individuals with high levels of prevention focus will tend to meet the minimum of requirements and accomplish salient job duties. These implications can be taken into account when defining human resource policies, giving a high weight in the assessment of tenure and promotion programs to those tasks on which the organization wants their promotion focus individuals to center their attention.

Originality/value – This paper is one of the first efforts of validating the regulatory focus of work scale in organizational and academic contexts different from the initial validation study. The study also contributes to research on the antecedents of change-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors, and defines new measures of intentions to perform in specific working activities.

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016